Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Practical New Age Pastoral Theology

Here is your example of New Age, Postmodern theology worked out in real life for real people.  It gives no answers and leaves people with uncertainty and no hope for the future. This type of theology is wrong not only for those reasons, but because it plainly is not true.  But God is true, Jesus is true, and true answers come from His Word, the living breathed out Word, found in the Bible.  The answer for this man is to come to Jesus and be forgiven.  Atonement is possible.  Jesus forgives!  Jesus saves! Jesus gives rest for the weary! 


Pastor St. John February 8, 2011 at 6:13 PM  

I've seen this video before, and it is great. I hope they show it to all prospective pastors in seminary training. It's the bottom like, the bed rock of the Faith, and what we pastors are supposed to DO.

Coverstones February 9, 2011 at 11:31 AM  

Wow. Thanks for sharing. I have not seen this before.


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