Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2011 39th PCA General Assembly: Overtures 1 and 2

The gate has now opened and we are driving towards the 2011 PCA GA.  There are already now two overtures submitted for this year.  Overture 1 is for dividing up Central Carolina Presbytery into three different presbyteries, it goes before MNA so I will make no comment here.  Overture 2 is from South Florida Presbytery and deals with term limits of the Stated Clerk of GA and the Coordinators of the four major committees.

Overture 2 states,

Overture to Amend RAO 4-9To set term limits for Coordinators of Program Committees and Stated Clerk

Whereas, the PCA has enjoyed God’s favor and grace for nearly forty (40) years, and

Whereas, the PCA has been blessed with very Godly, capable and competent men to serve in various leadership positions in our four (4) Program Committees and office of the Stated Clerk, and

Whereas, there has been a stated desire by two General Assemblies in the 2006 and 2010 Strategic Plans to see “Increased Involvement” and new leadership in the PCA, and

Whereas, the members of the Church of Jesus Christ possess, by God’s grace, certain and specific, yet varied gifts and talents which are to be used for God’s glory and are beneficial and edifying to the greater Body of Christ, and

Whereas, Scripture instructs the Church of Jesus Christ to enjoy and make the best use of the varied gifts and talents within the Church (1 Cor. 3:21–23; 10:31; 12:7, 21; 14:12, 26; Eph. 4:11–16; Col. 2:19), and

Whereas, there comes a time in the life of all organizations that a change in leadership is both needed and beneficial, and

Whereas, a regular change in leadership can be the means to identifying and raising up men who have been blessed of God to serve his Church, and

Whereas, the present reading of RAO 4-9 requires the annual nomination and election of the Program Committee Coordinators and Stated Clerk; and

Whereas, this annual nomination and election has become pro forma in that the General Assembly has always accepted the nomination and election of the Coordinators and the Stated Clerk; and

, men called to these positions should have a measure of certainty with regard to their status; and

, it would be advantageous to the Church to have the assurance that qualified men serve the Church for a specified term of service.

Therefore, the South Florida Presbytery overtures the 39th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America to amend the Rules of Assembly Operation (RAO) 4-9 to set term limits for Coordinators of our Program Committees and the Stated Clerk.

And further, if RAO 4-9 is adopted as amended, that the implementation of this provision would not affect those presently serving as Coordinators and Stated Clerk (the so called “grandfather clause”), but take effect upon the nomination and election of men not presently serving in these positions.

Amend RAO 4-9 with the following deletions (strikethroughs) and additions (underlined)
The four program Committees shall nominate for their respective Committees annually a coordinator for election by the General Assembly for a term not to exceed five (5) years, and may nominate him for election by the General Assembly to a second term not to exceed five (5) years, after which he is not eligible to be nominated or elected as coordinator. The Administrative Committee shall nominate annually a Stated Clerk for election by the General Assembly for a term not to exceed five (5) years, and may nominate him for election by the General Assembly to a second term not to exceed five (5) years, after which he is not eligible to be nominated or elected as Stated Clerk. If the nominee has not been examined by the Theological Examining Committee, such an examination must take place prior to the election when it is a first time employment. A new coordinator shall assume office at the end of the Assembly meeting, or at such time thereafter as designated by the General Assembly.
If amended RAO 4-9 would read:
The four program Committees shall nominate for their respective Committees a coordinator for election by the General Assembly for a term not to exceed five (5) years, and may nominate him for election by the General Assembly to a second term not to exceed five (5) years, after which he is not eligible to be nominated or elected as coordinator. The Administrative Committee shall nominate a Stated Clerk for election by the General Assembly for a term not to exceed five (5) years, and may nominate him for election by the General Assembly to a second term not to exceed five (5) years, after which he is not eligible to be nominated or elected as Stated Clerk. If the nominee has not been examined by the Theological Examining Committee, such an examination must take place prior to the election when it is a first time employment. A new coordinator shall assume office at the end of the Assembly meeting, or at such time thereafter as designated by the General Assembly.

Adopted by South Florida Presbytery at its stated meeting, January 18, 2011
Attested by TE Michael C. Woodham, stated clerk


Anonymous February 2, 2011 at 4:40 PM  

Nice. Only change I would make (without inspecting it more closely) is change "would not affect" to "would affect retroactively" :)


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