Creation vs. Evolution
Recently, as I started out in my new Pastorate, I began the morning sermon series in Genesis. I have never preached through Genesis, but like most Pastors the desire was there. What better way to start out a ministry than to begin in the beginning. I am just now coming to the end of Genesis 1 after two months of searching the riches of the power of God through His spoken Word in this first book of Scripture. In the midst, I had the daunting task of addressing the topic of evolution. Rather, God Himself in His own Word rebukes evolution. I was surprised at how much God actually answers and makes clear those questions we all have being in a society that begs us to question God's creation work. His Word truly is sufficient. There was one book that helped me a long greatly to see this, showing how God addresses evolution from His Word. That book was Doug Kelly's Creation and Change: Genesis 1.1 -2.4 In the Light of Changing Scientific Paradigms. I recommend it to you for your benefit and growth for the securing and defending of your faith.
Thanks for the recommendation, I have wondered about the book ever since I read and enjoyed the first volume of his Systematic Theology. Can you give particulars about about what made him helpful (without giving the milk away for free, of course)?
I used him primarily when dealing with the age of the Earth and length of days. It isn't the only book that answers questions concerning creation, but it seems like it is good to have in your library for the 6/24 young earth creationist.
This book was the primary catalyst that took me from a lazy Framework position to embrace 6/24 as the Biblical teaching. Highly recommend it.
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