Friday, January 14, 2011

Meyers Missouri Presbytery Report (Federal Vision)

Here is Missouri Presbytery's Report on their findings into TE Jeff Meyers on whether or not he is teaching federal vision theology. 

Missouri Presbytery’s final report from the committee investigating TE Jeffrey Meyers is available here. I believe that this document will prove to be one of the more important Federal Vision documents to be released in a while. It is a rather complete statement of the issues on baptism, covenant, and justification by a prominent Federal Visionist to a friendly PCA Court.

I plan to post each section in separate posts here on Johannes Weslianus for comment and discussion. The links to the sections available in separate blog posts are as follows:
  1. Introduction
  2. Views on Covenant Theology
  3. Views on Theology of the Imputation of Christ’s Merit
  4. View on Theology of Baptism
  5. Views on Theology of Perseverance
  6. Views on Theology of Justification
  7. Report of the Subcommittee Investigating Process and Injurious Reports
  8. TE Meyers’ Letter of Apology
  9. Conclusion
  10. Meyers’ Q & A — I. Covenant
  11. Meyers’ Q & A — II. The Imputation of Christ’s Merit
  12. Meyers’ Q & A — III. Baptism
  13. Meyers’ Q & A — IV. Perseverance
  14. Meyers’ Q & A — V. Justification
    Here is a timeline of the relevant events in this controversy. Please check back for further updates.



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