Thursday, June 24, 2010

Introducing The 38th General Assembly Of The PCA

This is supposed to be a 'Pastoral Blog' and therefore it would be in our best interest to write pastorally about the PCA's General Assembly (GA) of which each author is a member of here at A Profitable Word.  How as Pastor's should we respond to actions taken at GA, what should be a heart's desire going in and coming out of GA, what is best for the Church, and how do we get there?  All these questions and more are what will be looked at in this post and in those posts to come next week during the time the Presbyterian Church in America holds its 38th General Assembly.  

This year, there are two 'big' issues that the denomination will be voting on or considering.  The first is the deaconess issue that we have been dealing with for a few years now.  It comes mostly through overtures this year submitted by presbyteries to change or amend the BCO.  Some for deaconesses some against.  You can read those overtures here.  These will go before the Overtures Committee on Monday and will probably be heard on the floor Thursday morning, although scheduled for Thursday afternoon.  

The second major issue is that of the proposed Strategic Plan.  You can find all the reading you could want on the Strategic Plan: Pros and Cons here and here.  I find this issue to be much more of importance as it will undoubtedly affect the future of the PCA greatly.  The implications are high and for both of these issues we need to be in prayer.  

So stayed tuned next week for updates from the PCA General Assembly and a Biblical response.  



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