Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Withhold Not Correction (Book Review)

You see the title Withhold Not Correction by Bruce Ray, and you stop and say, "Really, there is a book out there with that title?"  In a culture that believes we aren't supposed to spank our children because that will cause them to be hateful, crude, abusive, and violent, Ray offers his readers the Biblical way to discipline your children.  Everyone disciplines in some manner: spankings, grounding, strong words, or doing nothing at all.  Oh yes, doing nothing at all is a disciplining.  Disciplining comes from the root 'disciple' or 'one who is taught'.  As parents we must teach our children, and everyone does this.  Whether that is, if thinking of a spectrum, very active to very passive.  God's Word calls us to be very active in raising our children.  We must raise our children in the fear and admonition of the Lord.  This verse along with many in Proverbs are quoted throughout this book.  But what is so different from discipline you typically hear about in homes throughout the World and Biblical discipline?  I'll name a few that you will learn in the book: 1) Correcting in love instead of anger, 2) Correcting with God's Word and the Rod, rather than your own words, and 3) Correcting based on God's authority rather than your own.

Here are the chapter heads:
1. Knowing Your Children
2. The Biblical Necessity for Correction
3. The Biblical Motives for Correction
4. God's Authority in Discipline
5. The Place of Prayer
6. Love and the Rod
7. The Rod and Reproof
8. Discipline by Measure
9. Correction Within Reason
10. Persevering Consistency
11. Partners in Management
12. Children in the Congregation
13. An Honest Confession

1. Evangelizing Children
2. The Rod and Correction
3. Parents Topical Reference

Published by P&R Publishing, of all books on parenting, this is by far the best, most Biblical, most applicable I have ever read.  I am very thankful for my good friend who recommended  and also supplied me with a copy some months ago.  I believe having read this book, my wife and I will most certainly be better equipped and more confident in serving our God in the area of parenting.

  • Strong Biblical Theological foundation for parenting and correction.
  • The authority by which you communicate to your child why they are being disciplined is not based on your authority, but on the authority that the Lord gives to the parents and moreso the Lord's authority.  Scripture must be the verbal rebuke from the parent to the child not "Because I said so..."
  • Taking time to rebuke with God's Word and show a better alternative which would be pleasing to the Lord is good.
  • Consistent discipline by both parents who agree is best.
  • PLUS much more.  

Want to read more book reviews?  Go here!



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