Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Thoughts on General Assemblies

I love General Assembly and Presbytery meetings for that matter.  Why?  Because I am a church polity nut and enjoy learning more and more about parliamentary procedure.  However, I have come to the realization that the Church does not stand or fall on the PCA Book of Church Order (BOC) nor on Parliamentary Procedure.  I'm happy about this because both the PCA BOC and Parliamentary Procedure (Robert's Rules) are flawed.  I'm happy because my Savior is not flawed, He is perfect in every way.  No man made books rule the Church, nor a pope of Rome.  The Head of the Church is Jesus Christ, as King, He rules.  Because King Jesus rules the Church, the gates of Hades cannot overcome or destroy it.   Praise the Lord, that despite sinners and under-shepherds, Jesus Christ will always be Head of the Church and therefore its (the Church) future is glorious! 



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